

Install via AWS Marketplace

The following instructions will guide you through installing CacheSight from the AWS Marketplace.

CacheSight is available as an Amazon Marketplace Image (AMI). The AMI is used to create and provision a new EC2 instance which CacheSight runs on.

To begin, log in to your AWS account. Then, visit the CacheSight AMI Marketplace listing.

Click Continue to Subscribe to start launching your CacheSight instance.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing

Accept the terms and conditions, if you’re happy with them.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing terms

After clicking Accept Terms it could take up to a minute for the your subscription to be ready. When it is, click Continue to Configuration.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing terms accepted

Configure this software

Leave Delivery Method and Software Version as their default values.

Select the region you want CacheSight to be in. Your memcached ElastiCache cluster(s) should be in the same region.

Click Continue to Launch.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing configuration
Choose the region your memcached ElastiCache cluster(s) are in. I have selected 'EU (Paris)' just for the purposes of this tutorial.

Launch this software

Choose Action

Leave as Launch from Website.

EC2 Instance Type

Leave as t2.micro (our recommended size).

VPC Settings

Your default VPC should work just fine. Otherwise choose your desired VPC.

Subnet Settings

Your default subnet settings should also work fine. Otherwise choose your desired subnet settings.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing launch configuration
Your default VPC Settings and Subnet Settings will be different than shown above
Security Group Settings

Click Create New Based On Seller Settings.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing security group settings

Name your new security group (e.g. ‘CacheSight’) and add a description (e.g. ‘Give access to CacheSight). Then click Save.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing security group settings

Note, you can also create your own security group, or modify an existing one. CacheSight requires the standard All Traffic outbound rule, and two inbound rules:

  • Type: HTTP, port: 80, source:
  • Type: SSH, port: 22, source:

Also note, if using ElastiCache for Memcached, you will need to give CacheSight access to your ElastiCache cluster.

Key Pair Settings

If you already have a key pair you would like to use, select it, and click Launch.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing key pair settings
I'm using my own key pair, 'paddy'

If you do not have a key pair, or would like to create a new one, click Create a key pair in EC2.

That will open the Key Pairs section of your EC2 console in a new tab. From there you can follow these steps to create or import a key pair.

Once you have finished creating your new key pair, return to the previous Marketplace tab to continue installing CacheSight.

Click the refresh icon beside the Key Pair select field to make your new key pair available, then select the key pair, and click Launch.

Installation complete

That’s it, CacheSight should be up and running!

You will find your new CacheSight instance on your EC2 console. Click EC2 Console to go directly there.

Screenshot of the CacheSight AWS Marketplace listing after launching

If using ElastiCache, learn how to give CacheSight access to ElastiCache, otherwise learn how to access CacheSight.

Give CacheSight access to ElastiCache

If using ElastiCache for Memcached, you will need to give CacheSight access to your ElastiCache cluster.

If your CacheSight EC2 instance’ security group is the same as your ElastiCache cluster, CacheSight will automatically have access to your cluster.

However, AWS recommends having separate security groups for your EC2 instance(s) and for your ElastiCache cluster(s). See Accessing an ElastiCache Cluster.

Your ElastiCache cluster’s security group must give inbound access to CacheSight’s security group on the port ElastiCache is running on (11211 by default).

Giving CacheSight access requires two steps.

1. Create a security group for ElastiCache

Open the Security Groups section of the EC2 console and click Create security group.

Screenshot of an EC2 console showing how to create a security group

Enter a Security group name (e.g. ‘ElastiCache (CacheSight)’) and a Description (e.g. ‘Allow CacheSight access to ElastiCache for Memcached’).

The default VPC should work just fine. Otherwise choose your desired VPC.

Screenshot of an EC2 console showing how to add a security group

Add an inbound rule. Set Type to Custom TCP, Port to 11211 and Source to your CacheSight security group. My CacheSight security group is named ‘CacheSight’.

Screenshot of an EC2 console showing how to add a security group inbound rule
Searching for 'cache' in Source to find my 'CacheSight' security group

Finally, click Create security group.

2. Add the security group to your ElastiCache

Open the ElastiCache console. Select the Memcached section and select the desired cluster.

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to select a memcached cluster

Next, click Actions, then Modify.

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to modify a memcached cluster

Edit VPC Security Group(s).

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to edit a memcached cluster security group

Finally, select your security group, click Save, then Modify.

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to save a memcached cluster security group

CacheSight should now have access to your ElastiCache.

Machine sizing

The recommended EC2 machine size for running the CacheSight AMI will depend on the activity of your cache(s). In general, we recommend the following AWS instance sizes for a given maximum of total requests per second (summed up over all caches).

max. total requests per second instance
5,000 t3.micro
20,000 t3.small
50,000 t3.medium
110,000 m5.large
230,000 m5.xlarge
400,000 m5.2xlarge
800,000 m5.4xlarge
1,600,000 m5.8xlarge
2,400,000 m5.12xlarge
3,200,000 m5.16xlarge
4,800,000 m5.24xlarge

For an individual recommendation based on your caches and number of requests, please contact our team at

Per cache limit

The requests per second of a single cache cannot exceed 140,000. If you need introspection for a cache with more than 140,000 requests per second, please contact our team at

Access CacheSight

To access CacheSight, once installation is complete, visit the Public IPv4 address of your CacheSight EC2 instance in a web browser.

To find the Public IPv4 address, visit your EC2 console and do the following:

  1. View the Instances section of the EC2 console.
  2. Select your CacheSight instance (which will not have a name initially. You can name it whatever you like).
  3. In the instance Details tab, confirm the correct instance is selected by checking its AMI Name begins with ‘CacheSight’.
  4. Find your Public IPv4 address in the Details tab, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Make sure you are in the same region you launched CacheSight in.

Screenshot of an EC2 console showing how to identify a CacheSight instance

‘Not Secure’

Note, CacheSight is accessed using the Public IPv4 address of your CacheSight EC2 instance over http, not https. As a result some browsers may display a Not Secure notice in the address bar, which is normal and does not indicate an issue.

For example,

Note, if CacheSight does not load in your browser and times out, make sure to explicitly specifying http:// in the address bar, e.g. If you paste just the IP address, the browser might try to connect over HTTPS, causing a connection timeout.

In order to access a site via https, an SSL certificate would be required, which in turn would require a domain name. CacheSight currently runs only over http because we access it via an IP address, not a domain name.

Screenshot of a browser address bar running CacheSight over http and showing 'not secure'
Seeing 'Not Secure' is normal and does not indicate an issue

Sign in

When you access CacheSight you will need to sign in (if you’re not already signed in of course).

To sign in to Cachesight, enter your password and click SIGN IN.

Screenshot of the CacheSight sign in view

Default password for first time sign in

If signing in to CacheSight for the first time, the default password will be your EC2 instance ID, e.g. i-05b6fbf8646114c02.

Finding your instance ID

To find your Instance ID, visit the EC2 console and do the following:

  1. View the Instances section of the EC2 console.
  2. Select your CacheSight instance (which will not have a name initially. You can name it whatever you like).
  3. In the instance Details tab, confirm the correct instance is selected by checking its AMI Name begins with ‘CacheSight’.
  4. Find your Instance ID in the Details tab, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Make sure you are in the same region you launched CacheSight in.

Screenshot of an EC2 console showing how to find your instance ID

After signing in for the first time you will be required to change the default password for security purposes.

Adding a cache

To add a cache, go to the Caches view. Then, click the ADD CACHE button.

Screenshot of the CacheSight caches view with an arrow showing the Add Cache button

Add a label for your cache, and select a cache type. Currently we support Memcached, which includes ElastiCache for Memcached.

Next, add at least one server. Servers require a URL and a port.

To add additional servers, click the ADD SERVER button.

Supporting ElastiCache auto discovery is on our road map!

Once there are at least two servers, a trash icon button will appear beside each set of server fields. Clicking the trash icon will remove a set of fields.

Finally click SAVE to add your cache.

Gif animation showing how to add and remove a server

How to find your ElastiCache servers (nodes)

You can find your ElastiCache server URLs on your ElastiCache console.

Select the Memcached section and click on the cluster you want to add to CacheSight. This will reveal a list of nodes which are your Memcached servers.

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to identify a memcached cluster

The Endpoint is your server URL.

Screenshot of an ElastiCache console showing how to identify nodes of a memcached cluster

Once a cache has been added to CacheSight, click on its name from the Caches view to see its monitoring dashboard.

Screenshot of the CacheSight caches view

To view all caches again or to switch to another cache, use the CACHES dropdown menu, top right.