How to SSH into your CacheSight instance

To SSH into your CacheSight instance, you first need to add a new rule to your CacheSight instance security group to allow an inbound SSH connection:

  • Port range: 443
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Source:

See the relevant AWS documentation

Once the inbound SSH rule has been added, open up a terminal window and connect using the following command structure. Replace the placeholders with your actual values:

ssh -i "<key_pair>.pem" cachesight@<Public IPv4 address or Public IPv4 DNS>

Note, the username to connect to CacheSight via SSH is cachesight. Other usernames like root or ec2-user will not work.

Here is an example SSH command, using a Public IPv4 DNS:

ssh -i "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pem"

Troubleshooting CacheSight instance issues

To troubleshoot CacheSight issues, it’s useful to SSH into your CacheSight instance and check if its services are up and running. To do so first SSH into your CacheSight instance. Then run the following commands one at a time, checking the respective service status output.

systemctl status postgresql.service
systemctl status influxdb.service
systemctl status telegraf.service
systemctl status kapacitor.service
systemctl status collector.service
systemctl status dashboard.service

For example, the output of systemctl status dashboard.service will look similar to:

# output
● dashboard.service
     Loaded: loaded (/nix/store/vxjlsw4xmvchzk7l92rv3s12qyj9ii9x-unit-dashboard.service/dashboard.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-07-24 16:22:38 UTC; 3h 59min ago
# ...

Similarly, you can check service logs with the following command:

journalctl -u <service>

With your CacheSight service status in hand, contact support to help resolve your issue. Support is provided by MemCachier, the creators of CacheSight.

‘Could not fetch stats data’

When viewing a cache, if you see the notice Could not fetch stats data, it’s an indication that CacheSight is unable to connect to your cache.

To resolve:

Screenshot of the CacheSight error 'could not fetch stats data'